We’re very proud to sell Osprey backpacks. The range is high quality and world-class. No matter where you go and no matter what activity you’re into, there’s an Osprey pack that will go the distance with you.
An important part of that range is Osprey hydration packs. These packs make it easier to stay hydrated while you’re enjoying your favourite outdoor activity but to make that vital hydration process even more effective, you should follow these simple tips.
- Don’t just hydrate while you’re doing your activity. Pre-hydrate before you set off.
- Instead of taking long drinks on an infrequent basis, take small sips often.
- If you’re at altitude, drink more often, High altitude and dehydration go hand in hand, so it’s vital you keep up your fluid intake.
- When the weather is cold and you don’t feel thirsty, keep hydrating anyway.
- Stay protected from the sun. Sunburn can speed up dehydration. If you do get more sun than you should, drink!
- Keep track of how often you take a small drink. Set a timer for every 20 minutes or so to take a sip.
- Replace minerals that you lose through sweat by drinking sports drinks containing electrolytes. These drinks can replace important nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium.
- Once you’ve finished your activity, be sure to rehydrate to speed up recovery.
Dehydration can have an effect on your overall performance and pose serious health risks such as heat stroke, urinary and kidney problems, fits, seizures...and even worse. It’s important you know the symptoms of dehydration so you can up your fluid intake. Symptoms include:
- - thirst
- - dry mouth
- - decrease in energy
- - cramps
- - headaches
- - nausea
- - stumbling, mumbling and fumbling
- - dark urine with less volume
On the other hand, there’s such a thing as overhydration too. This is far rarer than dehydration but when you take in too much fluid, you can suffer fatigue, headaches and nausea. Because these symptoms are similar to those you’ll notice during dehydration, there’s a chance you’ll drink more to try and relieve the problem when, in reality, you’re only making it worse.
This is why we recommend gradual, small drinks of water every 20 minutes. 200 to 300 millilitres on a frequent basis instead of huge amounts at irregular intervals are better for you, and easier to keep track of. And to make things even easier, there are hydration packs like the Osprey ones we’re so proud to sell. Contact us and we’ll help you choose the best Osprey pack for your requirements.